
Attend a big university or small ones.

Student ID: _410309379__Name:____Yifi________ Class: _____E1A_____

Writing topics: When choosing a university abroad, some students prefer to attend a small university; others prefer to attend a big university. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Main idea 1: _wealth___
Main idea 2: _convenience___
Main idea 3: _friendly__
Get more education resources
Science classes
Chemical classes
More attention from teachers
better grades
More Happiness
Have fun
Lazy person
Not so tired
Small buildings
Small campus
Walk slowly
Close classrooms
Short distance
Know everyone
Good relationships with teachers
Like friends
Chat with each other
Know more about students

Your essay starts here:
When we are choosing a university abroad, some students like to attend a small university; others like a big university. And for me, I prefer to attend a small university because of its wealth, convenience and friendly.
First advantage of small universities is wealth. A small university has fewer professors but also fewer students. For example, we have just a professor of this class but in our class, there are only about ten students. So we have more attention from the teacher and the teacher can always find out our own questions about learning. And in the science class or chemical class, a small class which has few students have much more opportunities of using science devices than the big one. The students in a small class will learn more by learning everything by themselves so they will get better grades than the ones in a big class. And otherwise, they will be much happier and have lots of fun.
Second advantage of small universities is convenience. The classrooms locate very close and the distance between two classrooms is very short, so it prefer to lazy persons. Students won’t be so tired just because the classrooms are so far and they have to walk so much a long time. A small university usually has small buildings and a small campus. We can just walk slowly from one classroom to another.
And the last advantage of small universities is friendly. There are just several professors so we have a big possible that we have good relationships with them. We can know everyone in the class and even more being good friends. In a small university, we can talk to the professors just like chat with friends. And in other words, the professors can know more about the students, including their grades, ideas and thoughts. It will make each other feel fine if the professors and the students have good relationship with each other.

So these are three reasons that I think I prefer to a small university.
I think that this article let me find out so many advantages of small universities. 

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